Testimonial From An Enrollee

  • 2023-03-10 22:02:26
  • BCHIP Admin

I joined BCHIP with my family, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions we made. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the doctor and nurses at Model Primary Health Centre Bonny for their exceptional care and attention during my antenatal visits. Their attention to detail and professionalism is second to none, and it made me feel at ease throughout the pregnancy. I was delighted to know that the healthcare professionals at Model Health Centre are trained to identify potential complications and provide immediate intervention. They noticed the condition of my baby before delivery and referred me to Bonny Zonal Hospital. I appreciate the quick response of the nurses at BZH, it was a scary moment when the doctor indicated Meconium Stain Liquor, but I thank God for not allowing my child to die, the delivery was successful. I am grateful to the management of BCHIP for making themselves available to us. The program is genuinely helping people and I will forever be grateful to BCHIP.’’ Mrs. E R

Posted by Admin

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